The “Builds” section on the “Widgets” page will display all the product locator builds that you have created.
Each build will be represented with a unique build ID. Moreover, the build can be updated via the “update” button after any changes have been made to the store or product data.
Builds Section
There is also an “options” button which opens a menu containing 6 options.
1- Edit #
The “Edit” option will allow you to make changes to your build.
Clicking on the “Edit” option will take you to the “Product Locator Configurator” where you will be able to edit the configuration and settings of your product or store locator.
2- Preview #
The “Preview” option is used to see what your product or store locator build looks like.
Pressing the preview button will open a modal window that will show you a demo of your product or store locator.
3- Color Update #
The “Color Update” option will take you to the “Color Customizer” page where you will be able to change the color of your product or store locator build.
4- Customize #
The “Customize” option will take you to the “Template Customizer” where you will be able to customize the displayed information of the store list, product card, store infobox, lead forms, etc.
5- Translate #
The “Translate” tab will take you to the “Translations” page where you can change certain fixed words on the store or product locator to your preferred synonyms.
6- Delete #
Lastly, the “Delete” option will permanently delete the build from your WP Maps account.
Options Menu