WP Maps enables you to choose your preferred provider to provide map-related services on the WP Maps platform.
You can choose between Google Maps and Mapbox as your preferred map service provider.
Selecting Your Preferred Map Service Provider #
Once you press the “Install Widget” on the “Widgets” tab, you will be taken to the “Product Locator Configuration” Screen.
Under the “Maps Configuration” section, you will see the “Map Selection” field. Use the “Map Selection” field to select your preferred map service provider.
In the same section, you can adjust and configure other options that are related to your store locator map such as “Directions API”, “Default Zoom, “Place API”, etc.
Map Selection Field
Adding An API Key to Your WP Maps Account #
Next, you will need an API key to make your product locator map function properly.
The map on your product locator widget will only be displayed if you have created and added an API key for the map service provider.
The API keys can be added in the “API Keys” section through the “Super Admin” tab.
API Keys Section – Super Admin Tab
To see how you can get a Google Map API Key please see the following video: Free Google Maps API Key Setup – WP Maps
To see how you can get an API Key for Mapbox, please see the following video: Free Mapbox API Token Key Setup -WP Mapss
To access more guide articles, video tutorials, and other resources please visit the WP Maps Help Center.