Product & Stores Gallery

To view all the products and store images or to add new ones, you will need to go to the “Gallery” page. The “Gallery” page can be accessed by clicking on the “Products” tab, and then clicking on the “Gallery” sub-tab.

Wp Maps &Quot;Gallery&Quot; Page

Figure 1: Gallery

After entering the gallery selection, you’ll find the complete list of images of Products and Stores which were uploaded.

Wp Maps' Products Stores Images.

Figure 2: Gallery – Products

Upload new product images to include them in any of your products or for later use.

Figure 3: Gallery – Upload Products Images

With the gallery custom images tab, you can upload custom images for your store logo or product image, and mention the image id or name in your CSV sheet.

Figure 4: Gallery – Upload Stores Images

Once the custom image is uploaded, you can copy its Name or ID and put it in the Stores CSV logo column or Products CSV images column.

Once The Custom Image Is Uploaded, You Can Copy Its Name Or Id And Put It In The Stores Csv Logo

Figure 5: Gallery – Upload Image Name and ID