Google Sheets Syncing Problems? Fix Them Now! (Step-by-Step Guide)

Fix Google Sheet Syncing Problem

Google Sheets is a very useful application that lets users create spreadsheets for various purposes such as accounting, data recording, graph plotting, and much more. It is used by both individuals and large corporations for different tasks. Furthermore, many software and applications also have the option to synchronize with Google Spreadsheets for increased convenience and productivity. However, oftentimes a problem occurs where Google Sheets does not sync with a platform, and this can lead to frustration and loss of productivity.

Therefore, in this article, we see some of the reasons why Google Sheets will not sync with a particular platform, and what are some ways you can try to solve this issue.

What Is Cloud Storage

What is Cloud Storage?

Google Sheets synchronization has a lot to do with cloud storage, so let’s discuss this topic briefly before we proceed.

You may have heard of cloud storage. It is a way for people to store data such as documents, photos, videos, etc. in the “cloud”, which is basically a large centralized storage server that users can access via the internet.

The main benefit of cloud storage is that a person does not need to have or own a storage device to save and store data.  Any data can be stored in the cloud and it can later be retrieved by the user.

Cloud storage provides individuals and large corporations with a convenient solution for data management in terms of safety and accessibility.

One cloud-based application that is used by many is Google Sheets.

Google Sheets is used by both individuals and corporations to perform a variety of tasks. Furthermore, Google Sheets has become so popular that many third-party software have an option for you to synchronize Google Sheets with their platform, thus giving you the ability to interact with this software through Google Sheets.

Google Sheets Does Not Sync With Software

Problem: Google Sheets Does Not Sync With Software

At some point in your life, you may need to connect Google Sheets with a third-party software to improve your overall experience of using this third-party software. However, in some cases, people find that Google Sheets is not syncing with a particular software.

Let’s explore some reasons why Google Sheets is not syncing with a particular platform.

Reason 1: The Internet Connection is Down

The problem could be as simple as your internet connection being down which is the reason that Google Sheets is not synching with the software.

Sometimes the problem could be with your network provider who is experiencing technical difficulties. In this case, there is not much you can do except wait for the issue to be resolved.

Make sure your internet is working properly before you sync Google Sheets with third-party software.

Reason 2: A Different Program is Interfering with Google Sheets

Programs such as firewalls, VPNs, and proxy connections can interfere with the synching capabilities of Google Sheets unless you properly configure them first.

It is best to remove or uninstall unnecessary programs that can interfere with the syncing process.

Reason 3: Issue with Google

It could be one of those rare cases where the issue of Google Sheets not syncing with a platform could be because of an issue that Google, as a company, is facing.

Solutions And Fixes For Google Sheets Not Syncing

Solutions and Fixes for Google Sheets not Syncing 

Solution 1: Format of CSV file of Google Sheets

Google Sheets can also be used to create a CSV file. These CSV files can then be synced with store locator platforms to transfer the data on Google Sheets to the store locator platform.

If you are looking to sync Google Sheets with a store locator software, such as WP Maps, then the reason why Google Sheets is not syncing could be due to the format of the CSV file.

Store locator software requires you to have a specific format of the CSV file before you can sync it.

In this case, you will need to visit the website of the store locator platform you are using, see what the CSV format is, and adjust your CSV file according to this format. Usually, this involves making sure the column headings are in the same text, and that the data is in alpha, numeric, or alphanumeric form.

Once you have made the CSV file in the correct format, try to sync Google Sheets with the store locator platform again, it should work this time.

Solution 2:  Restart Your Machine

If you’re still experiencing synchronization issues with Google Sheets, try to restart your computer. This can sometimes resolve the issue.

Solution 3: Install a Google Sheets Addon

For certain software, there is a dedicated Google Sheets addon that synchronizes Google Sheets with that platform. For example, the product and store locator application, WP Maps, has a Google Sheets addon called “WP Maps Spreadsheet Tool”. The purpose of this addon is to synchronize your WP Maps account with Google Sheets, and thus make it easier for you to manage data.


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Solution 4: Check your Google Drive Settings

Google Sheets is linked to your Google Drive account. Make sure the settings on your Google Drive account are all fine and in order, and that nothing is interfering with the synchronization process.

Solution 5:  Grant Access to “Anyone with link”

Your Google Sheets access can be set to either:

  1. Restricted
  2. Anyone with link

If the access is restricted it may interfere with synchronization. Before you sync Google Sheets with third-party software, be sure the access is set to “anyone with the link”.

Setting the access to anyone with a link can only be done by the worksheet owner, if you are not the owner, you will need to request the owner of the worksheet to first give you full access, only then will you be able to synchronize Google Sheets with a third-party software.

Google Drive Is Not Syncing On Windows Or Macos

Google Drive is Not Syncing on Windows or macOS

Google Sheets is tied to your Google Drive account. Therefore, the reason Google Sheets is not syncing could be that your Google Drive account has synchronization issues.

Google Drive is a very useful cloud storage platform. It allows users to store data files such as documents, photos, videos, etc. in an online storage space. As a result, you will always have access to your data no matter where you go or from which device you use.  For example, if you have files on your work computer that you want to access from your home computer, you can upload the files you need to Google Drive. Once you reach home, you will be able to access those files from your home computer by logging in to Google Drive.

All you need to access your data from other devices is your Google account credentials.

When Google Drive fails to sync, you can experience situations such as partial files appearing when you log in to Google Drive on a different PC.

Here are a few solutions you can try to get your Google Drive to sync.

Solution 1 – Delete Some Files

Insufficient storage could be one reason why Google Drive is not syncing. Try deleting some large unwanted files to make space in your account.

Solution 2 – Shorten File names and Folder Depth

Try to have smaller file names, and keep the amount of sub-folders to a minimum.

Solution 3 – To Sync Between Two PCs

If you are trying to open your Google Drive account on a new PC, you can try creating a home group between both PCs. Then get the password from the first computer and enter it on the second. As a result, both PCs will sync with each other.

Solution 4 – Manually Upload and Download Files

As a last resort, you can try uploading files onto a storage system, and then download them to the new location.

Solution 5 – Restart Google Sync

Completely close Google Drive by clicking on the menu icon on the taskbar and then selecting “Quit Backup and Sync”. Then launch the Google Drive app again from the start menu. Once the app is launched, it might sync any missing files.

Solution 6 – Stop and Start the Sync Process

One of the most popular solutions is to pause the Google Drive sync process by clicking on the three-dot menu button and then pressing “Pause”. Next, click on the menu icon again, and this time click on “Resume” to restart the sync process.

Solution 7 – Access Google Drive as an Admin

Try operating Google Drive as an admin, this may fix the synchronization problem.

Solution 8 – Sign out and Sign in to Google Drive.

If there are multiple Drive users on the same PC, this can sometimes affect the syncing process. In this case, try signing out of your account and then signing back into Google Drive

Solution 9 – Restart Your Device

One solution you can try is to restart whatever device you are using to access Google Drive.

Solution 10 – Change Firewall and Proxy Settings

Sometimes different program(s) such as Firewall settings, Anti-virus programs, and proxy settings can interfere with the synchronization process. Therefore, try changing the settings or permissions of any software that can potentially prevent Google Drive from syncing.

PC optimization software can sometimes “turn off” an app if it believes it is not in use. So change

Solution 10 – Mark Un-Synced Files

Try clicking on the “Select all folder” option on Google Drive. This may reveal some files that previously did not sync.

Solution 11 – Delete the “Desktop.ini” file

Failure to sync is recorded in a desktop.ini file, which is generated after an error is detected. Furthermore, any new files and folders will fail to sync until you deal with the previous error.

To delete the desktop.ini file, please follow the below steps:

  1. On a folder that is not synced, go to the “View” tab
  2. Click on the “Options” button
  3. Select the “View” tab in the pop-up window
  4. Select the “Show hidden files, folders, and drives option and click “OK”
  5. Go back to the folder and delete the desktop.ini file, if it’s there

Check if Google Drive is syncing.

Solution 12 – Make Sure all Folders are “Syncable” (i)

To make your folders sync, please do the following:

Go to “Preferences”, and select the “Mirror files” option instead of “Stream files”. Solution 

Solution 13 – Try Resyncing All Files

  1. Click on the Google Drive taskbar icon.
  2. Click “View # unsyncable files”
  3. Press “Retry all”

Check and see if your files are syncing now.

Solution 14 – Rename Google Drive

Rename the Google Drive source file by following the below steps:

  1. Go to “C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Drive\” 
  2. Rename the “googledrivesync.exe” file to any other name, like “googledrivesync123.exe”. 
  3. Rename the shortcut. 
  4. Run Google Drive again to see if it syncs

Solution 15 – Check Sync Folder Settings

On Google Drive, you can choose which folder you want to sync with your PC. If a folder is not syncing, it could be that it wasn’t selected to do so.

Follow the below steps to change the sync settings of that folder:

  1. Click on the app icon in the system tray and click on “Preferences” from the menu icon
  2. Click on the “Google Drive” tab
  3. Choose the “Sync everything in My Drive” option

Check if the folder is syncing now.

Solution 16 – Reinstall Google Drive Backup and Sync

If you are running an older version of Google Backup and Sync, then this may interfere with the sync process. In this case, you simply need to uninstall the old version of Google Backup and sync and install a newer version.

Note: As of October 2021, Google Backup and Sync will be replaced by “Drive for desktop”. Therefore, you should try using this new app.

Solution 17 – Update Google Drive

Try updating your Google Drive to fix the sync issue. New updates usually fix bugs and other issues a program is experiencing, so you should regularly update your app.

Solution 18 – Open Google Drive Via a Browser

Sometimes the sync issue is due to the Google Drive app. In this case, you can try to open Google Drive via a browser such as Google Chrome, Safari, or Firefox. The online version of Google Drive may not encounter any syncing problems.

Solution 19 – Change Permission Settings

Some users may not be able to get certain files to sync because they may not have permission to do so. 

If you are getting errors such as:

  1. You can only view this file
  2. You don’t have permission to sync this file
  3. Changes can’t be synced

Then you can contact the creator of the file that is not syncing or updating, and get permission from them to update the file.

Solution 20 – Change Your Router’s DNS 

Sometimes changing a router’s DNS to a different one can be one of the reasons your Google Drive stopped syncing. Therefore, it is better to use a DNS that your ISP recommends.

Other options include using a public DNS provided by Google, Open DNS, etc. Regardless, try changing your DNS and see if the sync problem is fixed.

Google Drive Is Not Syncing On Android Or Ios

Google Drive is Not Syncing on Android or iOS

Similarly to Windows or macOS devices, sometimes Google Drive will stop functioning on Android and iOS devices.

There can be a few reasons why Google Drive is not syncing on your Android or iOS device.

Here are a few solutions you can try to fix the problem.

Problem 1 – User is Not Signed In


Follow the below steps:

  1. On your Android or iOS device, launch the Drive app 
  2. Sign in with your Google account credentials

Check to see if Drive has synced.

Problem 2 – Drive Sync is Disabled 


The option to sync may be entirely disabled on Drive. To enable sync, Please follow the below steps:

  1. Open Google Drive
  2. Click on “Settings”
  3. Go to “Accounts”
  4. Tap on your account
  5. Tap account sync
  6. Toggle the option to start syncing

Once this is done, your Drive may start to sync.

Final Thoughts

As is the case with many things, Google Drive is not perfect and it can suddenly stop functioning. In many cases, Google Drive stops syncing.

This issue can be fixed by trivial solutions such as checking your internet connection or rebooting your device. Sometimes different program(s) such as Firewall settings, leading anti-virus programs, and proxy settings can interfere with the synchronization process. Therefore, try changing the settings or permissions of any software that can potentially prevent Google Drive from syncing. But sometimes, a more technical solution is needed to get Drive back to full functionality.

Therefore, you should explore all possible solutions to get your Google Drive to sync again.


Many platforms and software have the option to synchronize with Google Sheets to improve user experience. However, in some instances, you may find that Google Sheets fails to sync with a certain platform.

To get Google Sheets to sync with a software you may need to adjust a few settings.

Muhammad Ahmad

Muhammad Ahmad

SEO Specialist and Blogger

As a blogger with a personal interest in ranking e-commerce businesses, Ahmed brings a unique perspective to his SEO approach. His understanding of the nuances of e-commerce platforms and consumer behavior enables him to develop targeted strategies that drive sales and conversions. With 3 years of experience in the field of SEO, Ahmed is a seasoned professional known for his expertise in optimizing websites across various industries. Having worked with SaaS, e-commerce, local businesses, and service-based enterprises, Ahmed possesses a diverse skill set that allows him to tailor strategies to meet specific business objectives.

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